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An obscure view on obscurity…


As we are all well away Fweddit crashed onto the FW scene even before we were in the militia proper. Before we even had time for our standings to update (back when that mattered) we were barraged with complaints about what’s wrong with faction warfare, why certain mechanics are broken and all the false promises of the then unknown to me CSM candidate.

The stories got worse and worse, the forum whining got worse and worse; and eventually one of my fellow militia mates looked at me… and said ‘Xolve- what do you think?’. For those of you that don’t quite know me yet- if you ask me for my opinion on something; you are going to get the most unfiltered truthful response I can possibly give, Brutally Honest doesn’t even quite cover it. I’ve clashed quite a bit with fellow militia leadership in the past, but honestly…

“This whole whining on the EvE-O forums makes you look the equivalent of a little kid in the checkout line, yanking on his mothers dress trying to persuade her into buying a 3 dollar pack of gum.”

I missed the memo apparently, that if something in EVE requires effort the only obvious recourse is to shout rude things at people on the forums, in some vain attempt to sway the masses into believing you are some bittervet of any kind of status. Much like in the business world, nothing is based on what you did in the past- I want to know what you can do for me now. Right fucking now to be exact.

Somehow, I managed to become one of the conductors on this new 500 strong rape train we affectionately refer to as ‘Fweddit’, If the most you can offer me on a strategic level is your uncontested ability to look like a bitch on the forums, excuse me for not entertaining your stubborn view on what’s wrong with faction warfare. Because- after all, how can you tell me you understand what’s wrong with faction warfare from the bowels of the station you are hiding in?

Get out there and haze some goddamned nerds. EVE is hard, it’s why most of us enjoy it. Turmoil is fun apparently, learn to embrace the suck, dig in, and push F1. I want fighters, not little whiny babbies. Harden the fuck up nerds.

About xxolve

Internet Spaceship Pilot Diplomancer. Drunk. Directator.

5 responses to “An obscure view on obscurity…

  1. Ascentior

    Let me begin by saying, I like your words. You always throw down an interesting read.

    I would like to shed some light on the people whom you think sit in a station and play ‘Bitch online’. Some of these pilots have been fighting in the faction war since it’s very inception. They have seen game mechanics that allowed a cloaked ship in control range to capture a complex. Then a cloaked ship on grid to prevent a capture. A ship flying off grid allowing the capture to continue after the pilot warps to another complex. Mechanics that mean pilots who simply fly fast, cheap t1 frigates can solo capture any amarrian plex, and level 4 missions that can as easily be completed by a solo stealth bomber.

    For years since the FW first began, these pilots have stuck through thick and thin (their have been times when Amarr had greater active numbers), some have gone and returned, some have stayed through it all.

    Now they have been told, “Thank you pilots for sticking through the many hardships. Thank you for facing difficult odds and keeping your head up. As a reward, we are paying you less. Those guys you are fighting against, the ones that only need to put in a third of the effort you do, we’re giving them a s***load of money. You agree this is a good idea, right?”

    You have come into this battle to find people to shoot, with a huge wallet to fill your hangers. These people don’t have large backing alliances that will fill their hangers for them to ‘pew’ with. They had to make a living in this dangerous world. Now they are being told, go find somewhere else to make money, away from here. While you’re away, we will pay your enemy more than you can possibly make, just to stay and take your systems while you are gone. You can stay here and fight, and what you spend, we will give that to them as well.

    THAT is the reality of these bittervets. Some might have large bank accounts, and be arrogant. But a lot don’t.

    As for ’embrace the suck, dig in, and push f1′. They have for years. Where were you?

    • xxolve

      In the great land of 0.0 where there are dragon’s and literally thousands of people are waiting to burn to your inter-galactic sand castle.

      CCP has never had smooth integration of anything ‘new’ historically and when FW was originally released, I was part of it. I participated in the Gallente/Caldari war, and even got that little trinket from Tibus Heth if you followed the story. You don’t need to tell me that things in EVE are broken, all I’m simply trying to say here is that if you continue to project forward a negative energy, and are no longer having fun. Stop trampling on those that are looking to have fun, and find something else to do.

      When we announced on reddit that we would be joining Amarr, my inbox was overflowing in minutes as to the gripes of the Amarr FW bittervets. I get it- things are hard for the underdog, and they stay hard for them when they resort to :words: on the internet to fight their battles for them.

      Complaining about stuff doesn’t solve anything- we as EVE players have done the absolute best of our ability to undermine and take advantage of any and everything CCP has ever tried to do for us.

      I can’t tell your dudes to log in, I can’t tell them to have fun in FW, I can’t tell them what a complete ‘small gang’ PVP paradise this aspect of the game is with them linger on any single sentiment before they start regaling me with tales of how years later their panties are still twisted, and their collective jimmies are completely rustled.

      What I can do however is tell them all to shut the fuck up, and stop trying to ruin my fun because they would rather sit in a station. (I commented on this with a pretty clever business anecdote, sorry you missed it)

      • Ascentior

        I agree that people discouraging others from joining is stupid. One of the things that I disliked the most during my time in FW was the hostility that new pilots faced from their own militia. Of course this is in part a system of the Meta gaming spais.

        I agree that the only way to have fun in FW is to undock and find it. And those that don’t, are only making a rod for their own back. However a lot of the people who are complaining on forums (in the hope that someone who can change things finds reason to do so) are the same people who are out leading fleets night after night. They throw their 2 isk as hard as they can against the rising waves of minmatar isk in the hope that when it breaks, they can find a way to less turbulent water (That metaphor kind of came from nowhere, and is a little bit airy fairy, but kind of worked, so it stays!).

        In short, I applaud you for your efforts in helping out our brothers against the godless Shakorites. I know that having more numbers of people willing to explode makes people happy to do the same. But faction war currently is broken, and let’s hope they fix it for all involved.

  2. Silence ikillyouu ⋅

    No shit

  3. This sounds about right. I personally love fighting fweddit particularly because there’s no back chat or whinging, if I make a kill, or get killed, it’s still a good fight, and I’m not treated to a 5 minute diatribe by at the least three members of the enemy fleet.

    The only problem I have is that I don’t see you guys around as often as I’d like.

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